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Arts & Crafts
in Personal Enrichment
Watercolors Part 1 - Zoom Only
with Audrey McGlashan
Watercolors Part 1, offered via Zoom, is designed for those who wish to acquire or improve their basic skills in watercolor painting. You'll be introduced to new techniques and approaches each week, with plenty of class time to work on painting and get instructor feedback. A list of watercolor paints, brushes, paper and sundries is available under Supply Lists on our website.
Learning the Recorder
with Sue Detweiler
Did you know that the recorder is an affordable route for learning to play a wind instrument? Learn to read music while making beautiful music on the recorder. You will learn the basics of treble note and rhythm reading while playing simple folk tunes. Come ready to relax and have some fun! If you have a recorder already, there is no need to purchase one, but if you don't, you will need to have one to participate in this class. A Yamaha YRS-401 Soprano recorder ($28) is recommended. In addition, you will need a copy of the Trapp Family Recorder Method Book 1, Descant, which can be purchased online for $15.
Intro to Photography, Part I
with Joseph Corrado
In this course, we will start with the basics of photography, covering the settings that all cameras share, to the basics of light and composition. It doesn't matter what kind of camera you have—from a smartphone to a DSLR—the basics of photography remain unchanged. If your camera is a phone, we'll talk about some different camera apps that can give you the same controls that regular cameras have. The goal is to create great images. Understanding how your camera functions will help you make more compelling images that you can be proud of. The final class will be an editing workshop. Bring your camera of choice to our photography classes!
Power of Line Part 1 - Zoom Only
with Susan Reidy
This class, offered via Zoom, is for those who want to draw and/or improve their drawing skill. Increase your drawing observation, confidence, and control. In this class, a study of various drawing and shading techniques will be explored. The techniques then will be applied to basic shapes and forms, followed by a completed still life drawing utilizing techniques covered during class. A short supply list is available when you register.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Part 2
with Naomi Howe
A follow-up for Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Part 1, and for those familiar with basic skills of the medium, line and value, contour drawing and viewfinder practice. This class will expand those skills to include rendering of objects, landscape, human form, as well as use of color in composition. Developing your own personal style, using the medium, and techniques is the goal, whether realistic or abstract. Betty Edwards Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain book and workbook required.
Pâte à Choux
with Steven Watts
Learn how easy it is to make your own Eclairs, profiteroles and Paris-Brest pastries with assorted fillings for each. Materials fee of $30.00 is due by cash or check, payable to the instructor, at the start of class. All baking classes with Steve Watts are hands-on and students take home their finished products.
Will run
Panoramic Sugar Easter Eggs
with Steven Watts
Make your own old-fashioned sugared Easter egg and create a scene to go inside. Materials fee of $30.00 is due by cash or check, payable to the instructor, at the start of class. All baking classes with Steve Watts are hands-on and students take home their finished products.
Wooden Sailors Chest
with Ralph Fink
In this fun woodworking class, students construct a traditional 14”L x 10”H x 11”W six-board chest out of a single board. You learn to use hand tools, power tools, and templates to make rip, cross, and curve cuts. For example, a Japanese saw, rasp, coping saw, and random orbital sander are used. Learn to plan, assemble, and glue up the components of the chest, and then prepare your chest for finishing with hand and power sanding. Take it home and paint, stain, decoupage or wood burn to create a one of a kind gift that will last for years to come. A material fee of $80 can be paid to the instructor at the start of class.